Title: Patterns of genomic site inheritance in HIV-1M inter-subtype recombinants delineate the most likely genomic sites of subtype-specific adaptation
Authors: Tongo M, de Oliveira T, Martin DP.
Journal: Virus Evolution,Volume 4, Issue 1, 1 January 2018, vey015: (2018)


Recombination between different HIV-1 group M (HIV-1M) subtypes is a major contributor to the ongoing genetic diversification of HIV-1M. However, it remains unclear whether the different genome regions of recombinants are randomly inherited from the different subtypes. To elucidate this, we analysed the distribution within 82 circulating and 201 unique recombinant forms (CRFs/URFs), of genome fragments derived from HIV-1M Subtypes A, B, C, D, F, and G and CRF01_AE.

We found that viruses belonging to the analysed HIV-1M subtypes and CRF01_AE contributed certain genome fragments more frequently during recombination than other fragments. Furthermore, we identified statistically significant hot-spots of Subtype A sequence inheritance in genomic regions encoding portions of Gag and Nef, Subtype B in Pol, Tat and Env, Subtype C in Vif, Subtype D in Pol and Env, Subtype F in Gag, Subtype G in Vpu-Env and Nef, and CRF01_AE inheritance in Vpu and Env.

The apparent non-randomness in the frequencies with which different subtypes have contributed specific genome regions to known HIV-1M recombinants is consistent with selection strongly impacting the survival of inter-subtype recombinants. We propose that hotspots of genomic region inheritance are likely to demarcate the locations of subtype-specific adaptive genetic variations.

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Citation: Tongo M, de Oliveira T, Martin DP. Patterns of genomic site inheritance in HIV-1M inter-subtype recombinants delineate the most likely genomic sites of subtype-specific adaptation Virus Evolution,Volume 4, Issue 1, 1 January 2018, vey015: (2018).