HIV Cure Workshop at KRISP, UKZN
Members of the KRISP (KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform) team recently had the privilege of hosting undergraduate students from UKZN and the University of Limpopo as part of the HIV Cure Workshop.

This exciting engagement offered students a unique opportunity to tour KRISP's state-of-the-art genomic laboratory and gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge field of genomic sequencing.
During the tour, students were introduced to the pivotal role genomic sequencing plays in genomic surveillance, particularly in tracking and understanding the dynamics of HIV and other pathogens. They were able to learn about the technology, methodologies, and research applications that KRISP employs to address global health challenges
This news piece was published in the gem, January 2025

Click on the image above to read the gem, genomics, epidemics & microbes Vol 8 Issue 1, Jan 2025, or scan the qrcode.
News date: 2025-02-09