Title: Scourge of a Continent: The BioAfrica Website
Authors: de Oliveira T, Cassol S (edited by M. Leslie).
Journal: Science,310:1877 (2005)
HIV is hammering Africa, with infection rates of more than 30% in countries such as Botswana. Researchers will find tools for analyzing HIV molecular data and information on the main African strain at BioAfrica, created by virologists at Oxford University and the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
BioAfrica complements other HIV sites, such as the sequence bank at Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico (Science,NetWatch, 23 August 2002, p. 1243), by spotlighting HIV?s subtype C, the viral variant that predominates in the southern part of the continent.
Users can download free software for determining a virus subtype or visit a new proteomics section that probes the sequences and structures of HIV 19 proteins.The site also includes plenty of background on subtype C, including charts that follow its spread starting in the early 1980s. Website: bioafrica.net
Science Volume 310, Number 5756, Issue of 23 December 2005

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Citation: de Oliveira T, Cassol S (edited by M. Leslie). Scourge of a Continent: The BioAfrica Website Science,310:1877 (2005).