Title: Protocol for synthesis of di- and tri-substituted s-triazine derivatives
Authors: El-Faham A, Sharma A, Farooq M, Almarhoon Z, Alhameed RA, Wadaan MAM, de la Torre BG, Albericio F.
Journal: MethodsX,7:100825. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.100825: (2020)


The present protocol describes the synthesis of di and tri-substituted s-triazine derivatives's-Triazine undergoes sequential nucleophilic substitution reaction but order of nucleophile is very crucial. It is very difficult to substitute any nucleophile except amine once amine is incorporated onto s-triazine. During the synthesis of O,N-type substituted s-triazine, always O-type should be incorporated first.

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Citation: El-Faham A, Sharma A, Farooq M, Almarhoon Z, Alhameed RA, Wadaan MAM, de la Torre BG, Albericio F. Protocol for synthesis of di- and tri-substituted s-triazine derivatives MethodsX,7:100825. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.100825: (2020).