Title: An outbreak of HIV-1 subtype G among Italian injecting drug users
Authors: Ciccozzi M, Montieri S, Salemi M, De Oliveira T, Dorrucci M, Sinicco A, De Luca A, Giuliani M, Balotta C, Rezza G.
Journal: AIDS,21(9):1213-5 (2007)
We describe an outbreak of subtype G among injecting drug users (IDU) in northern Italy newly infected with HIV. We analysed pol gene sequences from samples of 139 individuals from different risk groups. Non-B subtypes were more frequently detected among IDU than in homosexual or heterosexual contacts. All G subtypes but one were found among IDU. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that the outbreak was of monophyletic origin and was caused by HIV-1 strains similar to those from western Africa.

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Citation: Ciccozzi M, Montieri S, Salemi M, De Oliveira T, Dorrucci M, Sinicco A, De Luca A, Giuliani M, Balotta C, Rezza G. An outbreak of HIV-1 subtype G among Italian injecting drug users AIDS,21(9):1213-5 (2007).